Two casks from North Star Spirits, one fully matured in oloroso, the other only having a short finishing period. Will we prefer the sherry bomb, or will finish give better balance to the spirit?
Another new IB on the scene, Fragrant drops, have just released their first batch of spirits, including an intriguing Linkwood fully matured in a Tokaji cask. Is it too much wine influence?
We're only 18 years late to the party, but we've got our reviews and rankings of the 26 Malts, a collection of whiskies released in 2005 in a project that paired 26 writers and 26 artists together to create 26 unique bottlings.
We're not overly familiar with Japanese whisky, but with Thompson Brothers bottling the first ever Kanosuke available in the UK market, we had to get our hands on a sample to try.